Now Accepting Applications for the 2024 Clean Water Advocates Program. Click here
June 26, 2024

Virginia Pollinators to Look Out for this Summer

Pollinators play a crucial role in Virginia’s diverse ecosystems, contributing significantly to the state’s agriculture and natural landscapes. From bees and butterflies to birds and bats, these industrious creatures facilitate the reproduction of flowering plants by transferring pollen from one blossom to another. This essential process not only supports the growth of fruits, vegetables, and… Read more

activists at protest
February 12, 2023

Top Environmental Nonprofits Working to Conserve Resources and Protect the Planet

Join Publicity and Outreach Director, Katie Keller, to hear about some of the top environmental nonprofits in Virginia, across the country and even those with a global impact. You’ll also learn about some of the incredible conservation efforts they are working on and how those campaigns are helping to combat climate change. Piedmont Environmental Council… Read more

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) vixen walking in the grass near the fox den on a spring morning in Hampton, Virginia.
December 28, 2022

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act: A Missed Opportunity 

With the end of the year fast approaching, the federal government’s end-of-year spending bill has been a highly discussed topic. Many natural resource issues were wrapped into this “omnibus spending bill,” including a landmark wildlife package, but in the end Congress failed to pass a monumental piece of environmental legislation which had the capacity to… Read more

A western honey bee (Apis mellifera) gathers pollen on onion flowers in Boise, Idaho. 6/30/2021. USDA photo by Kirsten Strough.
July 8, 2021

Conservation Photography: The Role of Responsibility, Dignity, and Power

Conservation photography is the intentional use of photography to advocate and promote conservation. This includes being mindful of the impact of photography on wildlife. A photographer must be careful not to disrupt the natural habits of animals or their habitats. Loud sounds or an unfortunate misstep could have negative impacts on species. Lori Cash is… Read more

August 2, 2019

Wild Virginia Aids the Common Agenda

What is the Common Agenda? Every year the Virginia Conservation Network (VCN) releases a briefing book entitled Our Common Agenda. The briefing combines the policy agendas of over 100 organizations across Virginia to form one, concise compilation of conservation goals. The agenda aims to address the most pressing conversation issues with realistic statewide policies. The… Read more

April 29, 2019

New Pipeline CSI Website Goes Live

Wild Virginia is excited to announce that the new website for Allegheny Blue Ridge Alliance’s (ABRA) Compliance Surveillance Initiative (CSI) program is up and running! The purpose of the CSI is “to support citizen efforts to ensure strict application of environmental laws and regulations in the event the pipeline goes forward.” Wild Virginia is a proud… Read more

October 28, 2018

Oregon Wild’s New Report Shows Importance of Forest Conservation

Morgan Kurst, University of Virginia Forest Conservation as Climate Protection The recent report Forest Defense is Climate Defense from Oregon Wild links the practice of logging forests with greenhouse carbon emissions. According to the report,  logging old-growth forests releases a lot of carbon into the atmosphere, and planting new trees after logging still creates “carbon debt.” It… Read more