Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) vixen walking in the grass near the fox den on a spring morning in Hampton, Virginia.
January 28, 2022

Wildlife Rescue Director Discusses Importance of Crossings for Orphaned Virginia Species

Tune in to this podcast episode of Wild Virginia Virtual Coffee Talk, where Brie Hashem, Director of Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary, talks about wildlife rescue work and the importance of crossings for wildlife in Virginia. The Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to rescue, rehabilitate, and release native wildlife in Central Virginia. The… Read more

Red fox vixen and pup nose to nose at sunset in Hampton, Virginia.
November 10, 2021


Wildlife crossing structures help to connect habitats, providing animals with safe passages they can use to avoid heavily trafficked roads and highways. On November 5th, 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which contains $350 million in federal funding for a “Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program” to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. The new legislation creates… Read more