Now Accepting Applications for the 2024 Clean Water Advocates Program. Click here
February 7, 2024

Keeping Your Kitchen Sustainable This Winter

With winter in full swing, we have had to adapt many aspects of our lives to the cold temperatures and icy conditions. We bundle up, adjust our thermostats, and put ice-scrapers in our cars. However, in order to protect our well-being and the health of our planet, the foods we buy and eat should also… Read more

August 10, 2022

How Pipelines are Hurting Wildlife

A pipeline undoubtedly has a significant effect on the areas which they cover, affecting the landscape as well as the people, animals, and natural environment around them. The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) construction over the past several years has raised a variety of unique and salient questions about its impacts, which have included river and… Read more

camera lens canva
July 20, 2022

Outdoor Photographer Talks About Getting Closer to Nature

In her words, being in nature has helped Alison Thomas “look at the big picture”… An apt expression, since Thomas spends her days outside taking pictures of some of the most beautiful outdoor vistas and getting closer to nature through this work. Thomas is an outdoor photographer, and her photography, which includes black and white… Read more

Photo of lake with trees around it. An example of a water body in Virginia that could be protected by the Clean water act
May 25, 2022

CWA50: Water Quality Standards and Remedying Unhealthy Waters

Water quality is a primary focus of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA protects water quality by regulating pollutant discharges into surface waters so as to maintain and restore unhealthy water. But how do you know whether a lake, stream, river, estuary, or other water body is healthy? And what happens when it is… Read more

Photo of court which is an important component of environmental advocacy and regulatory processes
May 6, 2022

A Student Learns: Why Environmental Advocacy Matters

My name is Ellie Toler, and I’m a second year student at the University of Virginia, studying Global Sustainability and Public Policy. I’ve been interning with Wild Virginia throughout the past academic year, and I’m incredibly grateful for this experience, as it has impacted me both personally and professionally in a number of ways, and… Read more

Photo of Mountain Valley Pipeline
March 18, 2022

Major Hurdles to Mountain Valley Pipeline Completion

The Mountain Valley Pipeline is three years behind schedule, three billion dollars over budget, has crushing legal and regulatory challenges, and no competition date in sight. The project has major hurdles to overcome in order to be completed. NextEra Energy, a company with nearly one-third partnership in MVP states, “The continued legal and regulatory challenges… Read more

Sunrise on a calm fall morning at the Harwood's Mill Reservoir in York County, Virginia.
October 18, 2021

CWA50: A Year of Clean Water Action to Celebrate the Clean Water Act

The Clean Water Act (CWA) marks its 50th anniversary next year, an important milestone for an ambitious statute. Wild Virginia invites its members, as well as members of the public, to celebrate this occasion by getting their feet wet in protecting Virginia’s water resources. From October 2021 to October 2022, Wild Virginia will undertake a… Read more

August 31, 2020

New Campaign for Virginia’s Water Future

Wild Virginia is working to make important changes in the way state officials regulate polluting projects that can harm our streams through our campaign for Virginia’s Water Future. The pollutants we are targeting can directly affect your ability to use streams and rivers as you wish and as you have a right to do. They… Read more

August 9, 2020

Suit Filed by Virginia AG Herring – Citizens’ Rights to Protect Our Waters at Stake

On July 21, 2020, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced he was suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over an attack on Clean Water Act protections. President Trump’s EPA recently changed a rule governing states’ powers to protect our waters and communities and this suit is an important action on behalf of all Virginians… Read more

July 6, 2020

Help Protect our Water – Make your voice heard by July 9!

Have you seen streams like this one clogged with mud from the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)? If so, you have seen gross violations of Virginia’s water quality standards − rules that are supposed to protect all of our state waters. Knowing more about these issues can empower you to help protect our water in Virginia. And… Read more