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March 3, 2023

Mountain Valley Pipeline in Our Backyards Harm Our Waters and Communities

Since construction began in early 2018, the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) has resulted in nearly 1,500 pollution incidents and violations in Virginia alone. These include:

• 113 times when Mountain Valley made measurable sediment deposits in waterbodies,
• 684 times when sediment deposits were made on land off the right of way (ROW), and
• 687 times when pollution control structures were undermined, overtopped, overwhelmed, or otherwise bypassed, resulting in discharges of poorly treated or untreated water, in most cases to streams and wetlands.

These findings are based on a comprehensive review of 980 inspection reports from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and 5,352 reports of “action items” prepared by DEQ’s contract inspectors.*

Each time sediment is released from the MVP work sites, adjacent properties are affected, sometimes causing severe damages.

This information is taken from Mountain Valley Pipeline Pollution in Virginia Watersheds, Wild Virginia, February 2023.


The photographs and descriptions here show some of the MVP impacts that have plagued landowners and damaged our precious natural resources.

The land shown here is part of Four Corners Farm in Franklin County, Virginia, owned by the Werner family. The field was a valuable part of their organic farming operation and is the site of a spring feeding a wetland, both of which have been damaged. This field sits at the intersection of Teels Creek and Little Creek, both crossed multiple times by the MVP and both repeatedly impacted by significant pollution incidents. In the foreground of this photo is a portion of the stream bank that has collapsed due to MVP construction and discharges of sediment-laden water off the site. The large impoundment of water shown on the field bled sediment into both adjacent creeks for many months.

The following images show more of the sediment deposits MVP caused in streams and wetlands
and onto adjacent properties.

MVP sediment in a tributary to the Blackwater River, December, 2018.
Top: A stream bank collapse on the Bernard’s property. Bottom: Muddy water flowing off the same site, even after MVP “repaired” damages at this location.

Download the FULL REPORT including images here.