Comment to the BLM Today
Tell the BLM “No Pipeline through our National Forests”.
The BLM is accepting comments on the Mountain Valley Pipeline about the impacts to National Forest Lands. We know that our national forests will be impacted by the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
Please take time to contact the BLM by mail or email by the comment deadline of July 31st .
Mail your comments to:
Vicki Craft, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Southeastern State District Office, 273 Market Street, Flowood, MS 39232.
(Comments must be postmarked by July 31st)
Email your comments to: [email protected]
What to say?
Describe uses you make of our public lands and things that you value that would be affected by the pipelines. Discuss how you use the lands: recreation, aesthetic appreciation, appreciation of large tracts of intact forests, etc. Your experiences using these lands matter. Tell them you strongly oppose any decisions that would destroy or devalue these features of our forests.
Sample Comments
- Both the draft and final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) fail to fully describe and analyze many environmental threats, and the BLM has a duty to reject these documents and deny a right-of-way permit until NEPA requirements are fully satisfied.
- The Purpose and Need for the project and the crossings of federal lands are not adequately analyzed and do not justify the project.
- The alternatives analysis fails to apply the correct standard at which crossings of National Forest lands must be held, and the proposal cannot meet that standard.
- Environmental damages that cannot be avoided or mitigated make the crossing of public lands unacceptable. These include forest fragmentation, cumulative impacts to surface waters and groundwater, and impacts to endangered and threatened species.
- Neither project impacts on global warming nor impacts on the ability of the Forest to respond and adapt to ongoing climate change are adequately assessed in the EIS.
- Large bodies of additional information were submitted to federal agencies after the public comment period for the Draft EIS had ended, depriving the public of the chance to respond to those documents.
If you need more help with what to say or want help drafting your comments, please contact us. We’re ready to help. [email protected] 434-971-1553