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May 24, 2016

Three steps to fight the Atlantic Coast Pipeline – Make Sure to Comment Before June 2nd!


It is not too late to become a FERC Intervenor!! The deadline to sign up and comment is June 2nd.

Wild Virginia works to keep you informed about when and how you can best make your voice heard.  One of those moments is now.

1) Make Comments:

The Forest Service is calling for comments on whether or not to issue a “right-of-way grant” that would allow the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to cross and occupy National Forest lands, and whether the George Washington National Forest should amend its 10 year plan to allow the ACP to cross the forest.
Click Here for Sample Comments

2) Become an Intervenor:

Click Here for the FERC Intervention Guide

3) Sign our Petition:

Comment via the means above and then please also sign and share our ONLINE PETITION