Old Growth Forests
Old Growth Forests
Rentch, J.S., M.A. Fajvan, R.R. Hicks Jr. 2003. Spatial and temporal disturbance characteristics of oak-dominated old-growth stands in the central hardwood forest region. Forest Science, 49-5:778-789.
Jurgensen, M.F., M.J. Larsen, S.D. Spano, A.E. Harvey, M.R. Gale. 1984. Nitrogen fixation associated with increased wood decay in douglas-fir residue. Forest Science, 30-4:1038-1044.
Rentch, J.S., M.A. Fajvan, R.R. Hicks Jr. 2003. Oak establishment and canopy accession strategies in five old-growth stands in the central hardwood forest region. Forest Ecology and Management, 184:285-297.
Goodburn, J.M., C.G. Lorimer. 1999. Population structure in old-growth and managed northern hardwoods: an examination of the balanced diameter distribution concept. Forest Ecology and Management, 118:11-29.
Aldrich, P.R., G.R. Parker, J.S. Ward, C.H. Michler. 2003. Spatial dispersion of trees in an old-growth temperate hardwood forest over 60 years of succession. Forest Ecology and Management, 180:475-491.
D’Amato, A.W., D.A. Orwig, D.R. Foster. 2008. The influence of successional processes and disturbance on the structure of Tsuga Canadensis forests. Ecological Applications, 18-5:1182-1199.
Runkle, J.R. 1981. Gap regeneration in some old-growth forests of the eastern United States. Ecology, 62-4:1041-1051.
McComb, W.C., R.N. Muller. 1983. Snag densities in old-growth and second-growth Appalachian forests. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 47-2:376-382.
McEwan, R.W., R.N. Muller. 2006. Spatial and temporal dynamics in canopy dominance of an old-growth central Appalachian forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36:1536-1550.
Martin, W.H. 1992. Characteristics of old-growth mixed mesophytic forests. Natural Areas Journal, 12-3:127-135.
Fralish, J.S., F.B. Crooks, J.L. Chambers, F.M. Harty. 1991. Comparison of presettlement, second-growth, and old-growth forest on six site types in the Illinois Shawnee Hills. American Midland Naturalist, 125-2:294-309.
Hale, C.M., J. Pastor, K.A. Rusterholz. 1999. Comparison of structural and compositional characteristics in old-growth and mature, managed hardwood forests of Minnesota, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29:1479-1489.
Abrams, M.D., D.A. Orwig, M.J. Dockry. 1997. Dendroecology and successional status of two contrasting old-growth oak forests in the Blue Ridge Mountains, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 27:994-1002.
Orwig, D.A., M.D. Abrams. 1999. Impacts of early selective logging on the dendroecology of an old-growth, bottomland hemlock-white pine-northern hardwood forest on the Allegheny Plateau. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 126-3:234-244.
Runkle, J.R. 1982. Patterns of disturbance in some old-growth mesic forests of eastern North America. Ecology, 63-5:1533-1546.
Jackson, B.C., J.D. Pittillo, H.L. Allen, T.R. Wentworth, B.P. Bullock, D.L. Loftis. 2009. Species diversity and composition in old growth and second growth rich coves of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Castanea, 74-1:27-38.
Tyrrell, L.E., T.R. Crow. 1994. Structural characteristics of old-growth hemlock-hardwood forests in relation to age. Ecology, 75-2:370-386.
McGee, G.G., D.J. Leopold, R.D. Nyland. 1999. Structural characteristics of old-growth, maturing, and partially cut northern hardwood forests. Ecological Applications, 9-4:1316-1329.
McEwan, R.W., R.D. Paratley, R.N. Muller, C.L. Riccardi. 2005. The vascular flora of an old-growth mixed mesophytic forest in southeastern Kentucky. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 132-4:618-627.
Orwig, D.A., C.V. Cogbill, D.R. Foster, J.F. O’Keefe. 2001. Variations in old-growth structure and definitions: forest dynamics on Wachusett Mountain, Massachusetts. Ecological Applications, 11-2:437-452.