Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
McJeon, H., J. Edmonds, N. Bauer, L. Clarke, B. Fisher, B. P. Flannery, J. Hilaire, V. Krey, G. Marongoni, R. Mi, K. Riahi, H. Rogner, M. Tavoni. 2014. Limited impact on decadal-scale climate change from increased use of natural gas. Nature 000:1
Mcgee, J. A., Does certified organic farming reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production? 2015. Agriculture and Human Values 32:255-263.
Jokinen, T., T. Berndt, R. Makkonen, V.M. Kerminen, H. Junninen, P. Paasonen, F. Stratmann, H. Herrmann, A.B. Guenther, D.R. Worsnop, M. Kulmala, M. Ehn, M. Sipila. 2015. Production of extremely low volatile organic compounds from biogenic emissions: Measured yields and atmospheric implications. PNAS Early Edition. Accessed
Makarieva, A.M., V.G. Gorshkov, D. Sheil, A.D. Nobre, B.L. Li. 2013. Where to winds come from? A new theory on how water vapor condensation influences atmospheric pressure and dynamics. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13:1039-1056.