Forest Succession, Development, and History
Forest Succession, Development and History
Ellsworth, J.W., B.C. McComb. 2003. Potential effects of passenger pigeon flocks on the structure and composition of presettlement forests of eastern North America. Conservation Biology, 17-6:1548-1558.
Abrams, M.D., M.L. Scott. 1989. Disturbance-mediated accelerated succession in two Michigan forest types. Forest Science, 35-1:42-49.
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Hooker, T.D., J.E. Compton. 2003. Forest ecosystem carbon and nitrogen accumulation during the first century after agricultural abandonment. Ecological Applications, 13-2:299-313.
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Askins, R.A. 2001. Sustaining biological diversity in early successional communities: the challenge of managing unpopular habitats. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 29-2:407-494.
McEwan, R.W., B.C. McCarthy. 2008. Anthropogenic disturbance and the formation of oak savanna in central Kentucky, USA. Journal of Biogeography, 35:965-975.
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Abrams, M.D., D.A. Orwig, T.E. Demeo. 1995. Dendroecological analysis of successional dynamics for a presettlement- origin white-pine-mixed-oak forest in the southern Appalachians, USA. Journal of Ecology, 83-1:123-133.
Larsen, D.R., P.S. Johnson. 1998. Linking the ecology of natural oak regeneration to silviculture. Forest Ecology and Management, 106:1-7.
Whittaker, R.H. 1967. Gradient Analysis of Vegetation. Biological Review, 49:207-264.
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