Carbon Sequestering – Forests
Carbon Sequestering – Forests
Lamlom, S. H., R. A. Savidge. 2003. A Reassessment of carbon content in wood: variation within and between 41 North American species. Biomass and Bioenergy 25:381-388.
Smith, J. E., L. S. Heath, K. E. Skog, R. A. Birdsey. 2006. Methods for calculating forest ecosystem and harvested carbon with standard estimates for forest types of the United States. USDA Forest Services.
Sharma, T., W. A. Kurz, G. Stinson, M. G. Pellatt, Q. Li. 2013. A 100-year conservation experiment: Impacts on forest carbon stocks and fluxes. Forest Ecology and Management 310:242-255.
Novick, K.A., A. C. Oishi, E. J. Ward, M. B. S. Siqueira, J. Juang, P. C. Stoy. 2014. On the difference in the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between deciduous and evergreen forests in the southeastern United States. Global Change Biology 21:827-842.
Gilroy, J. J., P. Woodcock, F. A. Edwards, C. Wheeler, B. L. G. Baptiste, C. A. M. Uribe, T. Haugaasen, D.P. Edwards. 2014. Cheap carbon and biodiversity co-benefits from forest regeneration in a hotspot of endemism. Nature Climate Change 2014-04-28.
Stephenson, N. L., A. J. Das, R. Condit, S. E. Russo, P. J. Baker, N. G. Beckman, D. A. Coones, E. R. Lines, W. K. Morris. Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size. 2014. Nature 1.
Sharma, T. W. A. Kurz, G. Stinson, M. G. Pellatt, Q. Li. 2013. A 100-year conservation experiment: Impacts on forest carbon stocks and fluxes. Forest Ecology and Management 310:242-255.
Zhao, S., S. Liu, Z. Li, T.L. Sohl. 2010. Federal land management, carbon sequestering, and climate change in the southeastern U.S.: A case study with Fort Benning. Environmental Science Technology, 44:992-997.
Davis, S.C., A.E. Hessl, C.J. Scott, M.B. Adams, R.B. Thomas. 2009. Forest carbon sequestration changes in response to timber harvest. Forest Ecology and Management, 258:2101-2109.
Nunery, J.S., W.S. Keeton. 2010. Forest carbon storage in northeastern United States: Net effects of harvesting frequency, post-harvest retention, and wood products. Forest Ecology and Management.
Depro, B.M., B.C. Murray, R.J. Alig, A. Shanks. 2008. Public land, timber harvests, and climate mitigation: Quantifying carbon sequestration potential on U.S. public timberlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 255:1122-1134.