Barrens and Grasslands
Barrens and Grasslands
Robertson, P.A., A.L. Heikens. 1994. Fire frequency in oak-hickory forests of southern Illinois. Castanea, 59-3:286-291.
Homoya, M.A., 1994. Indiana Barrens: Classification and Description. Castanea, 59-3:204-213.
Heikens, A.L., K.A. West, P.A. Robertson. 1994. Short-term response of chert and shale barrens vegetation to fire in southwestern Illinois. Castanea, 59-3:274-285.
DeSelm, H.R. 1994. Tennessee Barrens. Castanea, 59-3:214-225.
Hutchison, M.D. 1994. The barrens of the Midwest: an historical perspective. Castanea, 59-3:195-203.
Baskin, J.R., C.C. Baskin, E.W. Chester. 1994. The big barrens region of Kentucky and Tennessee: Further observation and considerations. Castanea, 59-3:226-254.
Heikens, A.L., P.A. Robertson. 1994. Barrens of the Midwest: A review of the Literature. Castanea, 59-3:184-194.
Tyndall, R.W. 1993. Contributions of the Barrens Symposium. Castanea, 59-3:182-183.