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January 17, 2017

ACP Sample Comments

What should I talk about in my comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)?  

Do you like to visit our national forests? The construction of the pipeline would degrade the exceptional scenic and recreation value of our national forests and make them more desirable for natural gas drilling.

Are you concerned about our drinking water?  The pipeline will be built over very steep slopes. The sedimentation caused by construction could threaten water quality of native brook trout streams and headwater streams that supply the water used by the Shenandoah Valley.

Do you care about keeping our remaining forests intact? Construction of the pipeline would fragment habitat, isolate populations, and increase forest edge, threatening the survival of populations of the wildlife species that make the George Washington National Forest special. The permanently cleared swath of land would allow for the invasion of nonnative species and disease in our forests.

Are you concerned about impacts to endangered, rare and sensitive species? The Atlantic Coast pipeline would threaten the habitat of the endangered species, including Cow Knob Salamander, James spiny mussel, Indiana Bat, Northern Long-Eared bat, and Virginia Big-Eared Bat.

Do you care about Virginia communities? The pipeline threatens the unique rural character of Virginia’s mountain communities, many of whom base their subsistence and livelihood on the integrity of the land.

We’re here to help!

If you need a hand, try our Step-by-Step Comment Guide  or contact us at 434-971-1553 or

We will also be on hand to help you create and file comments at our comment writing nights.  Sign up for either March 20 in Staunton or March 27 in Charlottesville. There will be snacks and drinks.