July 26, 2017

MVP & ACP Draft Record of Decision

The Forest Service has decided to allow pipelines to harm watersheds, old growth, and endangered species in our National Forests.

Raise your Objection Today!   

The USFS recently issued the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the ROD for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. These terrible decisions authorize the pipeline companies to amend the Forest Plan, to cross National Forest Lands, and to harm species.

The Forest Service has a duty to ensure the environmental review is complete and to protect our public lands.  Sadly, the Forest Service settled for the flawed and incomplete information presented in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)  for both pipelines.  Find the ACP FEIS here and the MVP FEIS here.

Image Credit: Deirdre Skogen

These decisions present a clear and present danger to our public lands.

  • The need for these projects must be, and has not been, established.
  • The Forest Service is required to consider options for these pipelines that would not impact Forest Service lands.  They have not yet done this.

Click below to learn more about the specific impacts outlined in the recent Record of Decision for each pipeline:

Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Mountain Valley Pipeline

Image Credit: Deirdre Skogen

Please take the time to object to the Forest Service about one (or both) of these pipelines.

You are eligible to do this if you:

  1. Submitted any comments during previous comment periods. (signing a petition or letter is o.k.)
    • Your objection should reference your previous comments or issues that came up after the public comment period if you can.
  2. OR you wish to object to information that has come out since the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

If you’re not sure if you are eligible to file an objection, just give Wild Virginia a call.  We’re here to help. 

Need ideas about what to say in your objection? 

While there are a lot of legal and technical reasons to dispute these decisions – it is just as important to  focus on why you love your public lands in your objection.

Do you love to hike, fish, hunt, swim or play in the National Forests?

Describe uses you make of our public lands and things that you value that would be affected by the pipelines. Discuss how you use the lands: recreation, aesthetic appreciation, appreciation of large tracts of intact forests, etc. Your experiences using these lands matter.  Tell them you strongly oppose any decisions that would destroy or devalue these features of our forests.

Image Credit: Deirdre Skogen

You have a right to ask the Forest Service to protect the integrity and beauty of your public lands.  They should not be handing them off to a company for private profit.

Here’s a handy document that will walk you through the Objection process.

If you need more help with what to say or want help drafting your objections, please contact us.  We’re ready to help.  [email protected] 434-971-1553

Important Deadlines:

Mountain Valley Pipeline: August 7 by 5pm

Atlantic Coast Pipeline: September 4 by 5pm