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September 7, 2016

Wild Virginia Supports Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in Opposing Dakota Pipeline

Wild Virginia sent the following letter to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe today:


Re:       Letter of Support for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe  

Dear Mr. Sitting Bear:

Wild Virginia supports the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and joins the tribe in opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline.  We join you and many thousands of others who are rising to say clearly and without hesitation “NO” to projects like this one that abuse the land, the water, and the people who love and depend on these resources. 

This pipeline is a violent assault on both the heritage and the future well-being of your people and all of the people whom it will affect – and as we know those affects are not confined to the vicinity of the project but are global in scale.  We cannot and will not allow companies grasping to gain the last few dollars from a dying fossil fuel economy destroy our legac 14264193_10150677314974970_5071559841030318524_n ies in the process.  We will not accept the failure of agencies, like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to play their proper roles as servants of the wider public, not just of the powerful few.

Your tribe’s resolute action to protect the land and water is a shining example of the commitment we all need to have if we are to save our earth.  We are with you and know that your struggle is ours as well.

In Solidarity,

David Sligh
Conservation Director                                                                             

Ernie Reed                                