Prescribed Fire
Prescribed Fire
Burton, J.A., S.W. Hallgren, S.D. Fuhlendorf, D.M. Leslie Jr. 2011. Understory response to varying fire frequencies after 20 years of prescribed burning in an upland oak forest. Plant Ecology, 212:1513-1525.
Elliot, K.J., R.L. Hendrick, A.E. Major, J.M. Vose, W.T. Swank. 1999. Vegetation dynamics after a prescribed fire in the southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management, 114:199-213.
Glasgow, L.S., G.R. Matlack. 2007. Prescribed burning and understory composition in a temperate deciduous forest, Ohio, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 238:54-64.
Elliot, K.J., J.M. Vose. 2005. Initial effects of prescribed fire on quality of soil solution and streamwater in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 29-1:5-15.
Albrecht, M.A., B.C. McCarthy. 2006. Effects of prescribed fire and thinning on tree recruitment patterns in central hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 226:88-103.
Hutchinson, T.F., R.E.J. Boerner, S. Sutherland, E. K. Sutherland, M. Ortt, L.R. Iverson. 2005. Prescribed fire effects on the herbaceous layer of mixed-oak forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35:877-890.
Gagan, A.B. 2002. The Effects of Prescribed Fire on Millipede and Salamander Populations in a Southern Appalachian Deciduous Forest. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 724.